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Butterfly perfume makes a comeback! *

Seven Questions for Marion Tourbier, the Hanae Mori Fragrance Expert

Can you tell us about your journey in the world of perfume?

I started 20 years ago at the Soleil d'Or perfumery in Lille as a Beauty and Fragrance Advisor and Esthetician. I stayed there for 5 years, then in 2008 I joined Cosmétique Parfum International as a Trainer for France and the world. I also handle commercial responsibilities, events, and prospecting.

How did you become the head of fragrance training at Hanae Mori?

It was my absolute wish; I love people, sharing, learning, and teaching. I want everyone to feel comfortable with their knowledge and in their job.

How do you approach your job as a Fragrance Expert?

Every morning is different. The main principle is joy, a positive mindset, and my passion for teaching is reflected in my joy of life, spontaneity, and knowledge. Nothing is formal, everything is fluid and rooted in pleasure. Each moment spent together is an enchanted parenthesis, where knowledge sharing and magic happen. The same synergy occurs when I'm in contact with sales teams or clients. I always keep a smile.

Which fragrance do you prefer to highlight?

I remain faithful to the first perfume created by Madame Hanae Mori in 1995, Butterfly. It’s thanks to this scent that the creator made a name for herself with the general public in terms of fragrance. It’s a perfume I particularly appreciate, a "chameleon" fragrance that adapts to any moment, any season, any personality, any age! It’s very easy for me to talk about it in any circumstance; it's a real gem, a timeless perfume, one could easily think this fragrance was created in 2024, as a new release.

How do you talk about a perfume?

A perfume is, above all, an emotion, a memory. A moment in our lives, a fragrance that can suit us forever or evolve according to our tastes and life stages. A perfume is quite personal. We wear it for ourselves, but also for others. We always have that thought to see if "yes or no, our fragrance will be liked." How to advise on a fragrance? For me, simply by asking initial questions: "What do you like? What do you no longer like? What do you expect from your perfume? What do you want to feel? What protective veil would you like to wear to feel good about yourself?"

Your three favorite words?

Passion, authenticity, sharing...

If you were a fragrance?

I would be a perfume with a true opulent, sensual, bold, and provocative trail!

In conclusion?

I would say with emotion, "stay true to yourself, listen to yourself, and be happy."


Thank you to the Pilgrim Hotel for their hospitality.


  • Your approach to training is truly inspiring. Joy, sharing, spontaneity – that’s exactly how we should approach imparting knowledge! And what a wonderful way to talk about perfumes, linking them to emotions and memories. 🌞

    Harper on
  • Quel parcours inspirant et passionnant !

    Il est fascinant de voir à quel point Butterfly peut traverser le temps et rester aussi pertinent et apprécié. 🦋

    Anaëlle on

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